

Economic blogs: A less dismal debate

Why I chose this topic
○ I am interested in how blog or social media(SNS, Twitter) change the world. This article offers some hints.

Discussion topics
1. This article insists that blogs have improved the global conversation about economics instead of cheapening it.

  • Do you agree with this idea?
  • This article mainly talks about the situation in United States. Is there any difference between United States and other countries like Japan?

2. Some of you have your own blog. Even if you don’t, I think most of you use blog or social media as consumers. As producers or consumers of blog/social media, how do you make the most use of them?

○ Some professors and politicians fear that blog foster extremism by making people hear only view they agree with.

○ On the other hand, the Economist claims that blogs have improved the global conversation about economics.

○ Research suggests that blogging economists are regarded more highly than non-bloggers.

○ Blogs have brought some experts out of the shadows, who were once unknown scholars.
Ex.) Mr. Sumner (He claims on his blog that the central bank should pursue “nominal” GDP target instead of inflation target)

My opinion
○ Some people say getting involved in blog or social media actively is a waste of time, however, I believe it will enrich our lives. By using them, everyone can have your own media, produce contents and provide messages to the world regardless of which organizations we belong to. It also enables us to connect with other people who have the same mind or purpose.


この記事の主張に僕は積極的に賛成したい。ブログあるいはTwitterFacebook等のソーシャルメディアの登場により、誰もが情報の受け手から発信者側に回ることが可能となった。また自分の所属する組織や団体の考え方とは独立して、あくまで一個人として意見を発信することができる。こうしたブログやソーシャルメディアの登場による人々の働き方や学び方の変化を論じた人として、梅田望夫氏が挙げられる。(僕も2007年に書評を書いている。→ウェブ時代をゆく - EST!EST!!EST!!!
